2019 calendar - timesheet and public holidays:
2019_-_calender_timesheets.docx | |
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feedback for 2018:
Since we are approaching the end of 2018, we would love to hear your feedback about our service. We value any feedback as we strive for continuous improvement and want to know what we do best and what we still need to work on to ensure collaborative partnerships. Please take 5 minutes to fill in the feedback form below and it will be submitted directly to our email. Thank you and we hope to hear all your feedback.
compliance with ccms timesheet submission:
The important information related to timesheet submission includes:
- A service cannot start any timesheet with an absent before care for the child has started.
- A service cannot finish any timesheet with an absent after the child has ceased care.
- A service cannot use an absent if your service is closed.
- A service cannot use an absent if no physical care was to be provided at all during the day.
- When submitting timesheets, you need to write down when the child was absent in the box on timesheet (AM or PM session).
- The service must write accurate times when filling in the timesheet. The educator must write the time the child arrives at the service and the time the child leaves your service. The standard session for before and after school care includes 2 hours for before school care and 3.5 hours for after school care. You can add 30 minute blocks if the parents require extra care. For example the standard hour for after school care is 3pm to 6.30pm. The child gets picked up at 7pm due to parent working. You can submit timesheet times of 3pm to 7pm.
- A service cannot use an absent if the child is on holiday or overseas.
- A service cannot care for children or use an absent on the day the educator is going on holiday.
educator_guideline_for_timesheets_and_session_times.pdf | |
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LOckdown procedure changes:
Our service has always had a lockdown policy. However, we decided it is important for educators to practice lockdown as well so children are aware of what to do during a lockdown. Lockdown is important as it can allow you to be safe from outside threats when implemented according to our policy and procedure. We have now made a lockdown procedure poster to place near your emergency posters. We have also made a lockdown practice form that you will need to fill in after each practice (every 3 months). If you have any questions regarding this, please do not hesitate to ask any of our coordinators.
educator overseas notification:
Any educator who is going overseas must notify the office as soon as possible. Providing a 2 week notice will be recommended so we are aware you will be not working for that period. We can also arrange temporary care for the children while you are away. Please remember that you CANNOT SUBMIT A TIMESHEET WHILE OVERSEAS. This includes the day you are travelling or the day you have returned. These are the regulations and legislative requirements.
hospital admissions notification:
If you as an educator or any child under your care is admitted to hospital for any period you must notify the office as soon as possible. No exceptions as we need to be aware of your service closure. A medical certificate copy should be provided to the office as evidence. Please remember that you CANNOT SUBMIT A TIMESHEET WHILE IN HOSPITAL OR THE CHILD IS IN HOSPTIAL. These are the regulations and legislative requirements.
children overseas notification:
Any child who is under you care who is going overseas must be notified to the office as soon as possible. Providing a 2 week notice will be recommended so we are aware you will not be providing care for that child/ren. Please remember that you CANNOT SUBMIT A TIMESHEET WHILE A CHILD IS OVERSEAS. This includes the day the child is travelling and the day they return. These are the regulations and legislative requirements.
educator workshop november 2016:
Our office will be running a qualified professional development course on Monday the 14th of November at 10:30am. It will be about behaviour management strategies as our educators suggested in our August meeting. Please enure that you are able to attend as you will get a qualified certificate for the whole workshop attendance. If you can bring a plate of food on the day as well it will be appreciated as we can have a multicultural lunch. We look forward to seeing all our educators at our workshop.
changes to our timesheet book:
We have updated our timesheet book to make it easier to use. We have made the boxes to write in bigger. We have also moved the parent to sign when child is leaving to the bottom. The educator signature and declaration is also at the bottom. We have discussed these changes in our meeting in August. If you have missed it, please do not hesitate to ask any questions.
changes to children portfolio book:
Based on educator feedback, we have changed our portfolio book. It is now joined in with the observation book. You will now need to purchase one book for each child which will last you 1 year. The price is $5.00 per book. Educators will now be able to write an observation of their choice for that month and include the child’s photo and/or artwork. It has been simplified as requested. We recommend that all educators continue to finish their 2016 portfolios as we are coming to the end of the year. However, if you wish to start you can purchase the book from our office.
records to be kept by family day care educators:
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This is just a reminder to let our educators know about educator to child ratios. The current ratio is 1:7 children with no more than 4 children under school age. Please note that your time sheets need to be filled in correctly. If you look after non-school age during school hours, you cannot write 9am to 3pm as you are doing school drop off and pick up. This will mean you are over your ratio. If you are only providing before and after school care make sure you are writing 7am to 9pm and 3pm to 7:30pm (latest). These are just example hours, you write the actual time you pick up and drop off the children. Also remember that if you have your own children in the premises who are 13 or younger, they are also counted in the ratio.
If you need further information, please contact our office or ask one of our coordinators during your next support visit.
If you need further information, please contact our office or ask one of our coordinators during your next support visit.
educator fee schedule:
As all our educators are aware, we have changed our fee schedule and policy to accommodate the educator requests. Educators are now able to set their own hourly rate as long as they are reasonable.
These changes may affect the parent to pay amount. Please speak with the educator to clarify any queries or questions you may have.
All educators will have their new fee schedule displayed on their walls in their family day care so families have easy access to them.
SCHOOL holiday activities programming:
We have created a document that includes the activities available by the local city councils of Liverpool, Auburn and Parramatta. Every activity is listed on the document. Please have a read and decide with the children and families which activities they would like to attend. Remember to always write a excursion permission form and risk assessment at least 48 hours prior and get consent from the office coordinators. Sibel has also created a sample school holiday program to give educators and idea of what it looks like.
2015_to_2016_school_holiday_activities_guide.pdf | |
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2016_school_holiday_activities_movies_by_the_boulevard.pdf | |
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New legislation passed: no jab no pay:
Dear Educators and Families,
The new law has passed the Senate meaning that if a child is not immunised, the parents will not receive child care benefits, child care rebates and family tax part A benefit.
SBS news writes:
The federal government's no-jab-no-pay laws will remove childcare benefits, rebates and the Family Tax Benefit A end-of-year supplement from parents who don't immunise their children.
The changes start on January 1, 2016, with exemptions for medical reasons, after legislation passed the Senate on Monday.
You can get the immunisation record online with your Medicare number and child's full name. The link is https://www1.medicareaustralia.gov.au/ssl/acircirgcert
We are reminding our educators and families to provide our office with their children immunisation records. You can bring it in personally, upload it onto our website under the children enrolment tab or email it to us at [email protected].
The new law has passed the Senate meaning that if a child is not immunised, the parents will not receive child care benefits, child care rebates and family tax part A benefit.
SBS news writes:
The federal government's no-jab-no-pay laws will remove childcare benefits, rebates and the Family Tax Benefit A end-of-year supplement from parents who don't immunise their children.
The changes start on January 1, 2016, with exemptions for medical reasons, after legislation passed the Senate on Monday.
You can get the immunisation record online with your Medicare number and child's full name. The link is https://www1.medicareaustralia.gov.au/ssl/acircirgcert
We are reminding our educators and families to provide our office with their children immunisation records. You can bring it in personally, upload it onto our website under the children enrolment tab or email it to us at [email protected].